Transformation - Definitions

Transformation - Definitions


TransformationA strategy to fundamentally change the way technology supports our business goals and needs - moving from IT-enabled to being more IT and Data-drivenTransformation
Unattended BotA bot that is meant to run without intervention and is able to start itself, execute the task, and build outputs of the desk without any employee interaction.Transformation
Attended BotA bot that supplements an employee's workload but still requires some inputs or operation from the employeeTransformation
Data AnalystA data analyst collects, cleans, and interprets data sets in order to answer a question or solve a problem. Transformation
Data EngineerA data engineer is an IT emloyee whose primary job is to prepare data for analytical or operational uses.Transformation
Data LakeA data lake is a storage repository that holds a vast amount of raw data in its native format until it is needed. While a hierarchical data warehouse stores data in files or folders, a data lake uses a flat architecture to store data.Transformation
Data WarehouseA data warehouse is a type of data management system that is designed to enable and support business intelligence (BI) activities, especially analytics. Data warehouses are solely intended to perform queries and analysis and often contain large amounts of historical data.Transformation
Sheet (on Quicksight)A page that displays a set of visualizations and insights.Transformation
DatasetA set or collection of data. Data sets describe values for each variable for unknown quantities such as height, weight, temperature, volume, etc of an object or values of random numbers.Transformation
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)A type of automation carried out on graphical user interfaces (GUI) where it mimics the activity a user would perform using the same tools that an end user would use.Transformation
Data VisualizationAlso known as a visual, this is a graphical representation of data.Transformation
Process CritiqueAn analysis of a process that focuses on its strengths and limitations. Critiquing is a systematic process for evaluating areas of improvement and the results reported. This is not a judgement on the efficiency of a function or a person.Transformation
Application Programming Interface (API)An API is a set of definitions and protocols for building and integrating application software.Transformation
API IntegrationAPI integration is the connection between two or more applications via their APIs (application programming interfaces) that allow systems to exchange data sources. API integrations power processes throughout many sectors and layers of an organisation to keep data in sync, enhance productivity and drive revenue.Transformation
Artificial Intelligence (AI)Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines, often performed via a technology known as Neural Networks. They attempt to make decisions in similar ways that humans would, given a series of inputs.Transformation
Business AnalyticsBusiness Analytics is the process by which businesses use statistical methods and technologies for analyzing historical data in order to gain new insight and improve strategic decision-making.Transformation
Business IntelligenceBusiness intelligence comprises the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis of business information. BI technologies provide historical, current, and predictive views of business operations.Transformation
ChatbotChatbots are a type of automation where a user is presented with an interface resembling a standard chat system, not unlike a live help box, social media messenger, or instant messaging.

The system responsible for interpreting requests, and responding to the end user
VerticalComposed of the following: Healthcare, Financial Services, LPC Contact Center, Contact Center, AQR Financial Services, Data and Research, AdministrationTransformation
Computer ScienceComputer science is the study of algorithmic processes, computational machines and computation itself. As a discipline, computer science spans a range of topics from theoretical studies of algorithms, computation and information to the practical issues of implementing computational systems in hardware and software.Transformation
Conversational ChatbotConversational chatbots attempt to use fewer interfaces and ask natural questions. They mimic interacting with a human as much as possible and present the user with a natural experience when initiating the chain of automations desired.Transformation
Data ArchitectureData architecture is a framework for how IT infrastructure supports IO's data strategy. The goal of any data architecture is to show the company's infrastructure how data is acquired, transported, stored, queried, and secured.Transformation
Data WarehouseData Lakes are special kinds of data stores that accept any kind of structured or unstructured data without needing to transform the data before loading itTransformation
Data ScientistData scientists are big data wranglers, gathering and analyzing large sets of structured and unstructured data. They analyze, process, and model data then interpret the results to create actionable plans for companies and other organizations.Transformation
Data TransformationData transformation is the process where data is extracted, sifted through, and subsequently understood, so that it can be transformed into something that can be analyzed. Data transformation includes two primary stages: understanding and mapping the data; and transforming the data.Transformation
Decisioning AlgorithmDecisioning Algorithms are singular purpose pieces of code which aren’t as advanced as AI however, given a known set of rules, are able to generate an output from some given inputs.Transformation
Data MappingDefining how fields in different data sources connect together, and what types of data transformations they require. Transformation
Extract Load Transform (ELT)ELT is a process where data gets leveraged via a data warehouse in order to do basic transformations without the need for data staging. ELT uses cloud-based data warehousing solutions for all different types of data - including structured, unstructured, semi-structured, and even raw data types.Transformation
Extract Transform Load (ETL)ETL is a data integration process that combines data from multiple data sources into a single, consistent data store that is loaded into a data warehouse or other target system.Transformation
ForecastingForecasting is the act of analyzing and mining data in order to predict what will happen in the future. Forecasting is typically accomplished using a BI application.Transformation
Machine LearningMachine learning is the study of computer algorithms that can improve automatically through experience and by the use of data.Transformation
Machine learning (ML) InsightsNarrative add-ons that are based on evaluation of data on QuicksightTransformation
Raw DataRaw data is a set of information that was delivered from a certain data entity to the data provider and hasn't been processed yet by machine nor human.Transformation
Project IOnizeRe-inventing IO’s processes using technology to allow the organization to keep ‘Creating Endless Opportunities for our Partners to realise their full potential’Transformation
Representational state transfer (REST)Representational state transfer is a software architectural style that was created to guide the design and development of the architecture for the World Wide Web.Transformation
REST / RESTful APIRESTful API is an architectural style for an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to access and use data.Transformation
Data Scrubbingsee Data CleansingTransformation
SPICESuper-fast, Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine in QuickSight. SPICE is engineered to rapidly perform advanced calculations and serve data.Transformation
System IntegrationSystem integration is a data management process that uses software to share information between various subsystems automatically. As every system is programmed with different coding, an integrator acts as a middleman that translates data from each software behind the scenes.Transformation
Data AnalysisThe basic workspace for creating data visualizations, which are graphical representations of your data. Each analysis contains a collection of visualizations that you arrange and customize.Transformation
Data CleansingThe careful analysis of datasets and data storage protocols to support the most accurate data possible by deleting out-of-date, inaccurate, or incomplete information.Transformation
Chatbot PlatformThe interface where the user interacts with a chatbot.Transformation
Rule driven ChatbotThe most simplistic chatbot but often very effective in initial implementations.Transformation
StatisticsThe practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample.Transformation
Data preparationthe process of transforming data for use in an analysis.Transformation
Dashboard (on Quicksight)The published version of an analysis on QuicksightTransformation
Data StagingThe staging area is mainly used to quickly extract data from its data sources, minimizing the impact of the sources. After data has been loaded into the staging area, the staging area is used to combine data from multiple data sources, transformations, validations, data cleansing.Transformation
Extract Load Transform Load (ELTL)The supported data integration process at IO that is a combined approach between ELT and ETL. We leverage between both a Data Lake and Data Warehouse infrastructure in the IO Data Architecture affording us the flexibility of both. Transformation
Structured DataThe term structured data refers to data that resides in a fixed field within a file or record. Structured data is typically stored in a relational database (RDBMS). It can consist of numbers and text, and sourcing can happen automatically or manually.

Characteristics of Structured Data that differentiates it from Unstructured Data are:
  • Structured data is clearly defined and searchable types of data
  • Structured data is quantitative
  • Structured data is often what is stored in data warehouses
  • Structured data is easy to search and analyze
  • Structured data exists in predefined formats
Unstructured Data

Unstructured data is more or less all the data that is not structured. Even though unstructured data may have a native, internal structure, it's not structured in a predefined way. There is no data model; the data is stored in its native format. 

Typical examples of unstructured data are rich media, text, social media activity, surveillance imagery, and so on. 

Characteristics of Unstructured Data that differentiates it from Structured Data are:
  • Unstructured Data is data that is usually stored in its native format
  • Unstructured Data is qualitative
  • Unstructured Data is the data stored in data lakes
  • Unstructured Data requires more work in order to be able to process and understand it
  • Unstructured Data exists in a variety of formats consisting from everything from audio, video, and imagery to email and sensor data
DepartmentThe team or account where a team member is assignedTransformation
EventsThe trigger to begin an automation process in such a way that the remainder of the automation runs as expected with the required informationTransformation
IonizeUndergo a change; become different in essence; losing one's or its original natureTransformation
Internal Digital TransformationAn index to measure how efficient we are with our internal digital transformation initiatives. Composed of 5 components:
Admin-to-employee ratio
Admin Cost Per FTE
Admin Cost to Revenue Ratio
Efficiency gains
Investment to Efficiency gains Ratio
Dropped CallsAnswered calls with no recording.Transformation/Seated
Average Handling TimeAverage length of interaction including talk time, hold time and wrap up or after call workTransformation/Seated
Number of Missed Callscounts the number of calls missed with a missed call reason indicatedTransformation/Seated
Number of Calls Received/Madecounts the number of calls routed to or made by an agentTransformation/Seated
Number of Dropped Callscounts the number of calls where recording is not available but call answered is 'Yes'Transformation/Seated
Number of Calls Handledcounts the number of calls with a recording available and where call answered is 'Yes'Transformation/Seated
Number of Voicemailscounts the number of calls with a voicemailTransformation/Seated
Number of Unanswered Callscounts the number of of calls where call answered is 'No'Transformation/Seated
Number of Answered Callscounts the number of of calls where call answered is 'Yes'Transformation/Seated
Volume Percentagegets the percentage based on the 'Number of Calls Handled'Transformation/Seated
Inbound callingMeans incoming calls taken by agents for customer support or inquiries.Transformation/Seated
Outbound callingMeans outgoing calls made by agents (or sales representatives) for sales, follow-ups, renewal reminders, or updates.Transformation/Seated
Calls HandledNumber of calls not including dropped calls and unanswered calls.Transformation/Seated
Total Call Duration (in Mins)sum of all minutes taken per callTransformation/Seated
Total Call Duration (in Sec)sum of all seconds taken per callTransformation/Seated
Average Number of Calls Made (per Hour)takes the 'Average Number of Calls Made (per day) and divides it by 8 (where a work day is assumed to be made up of 8 hours)Transformation/Seated
Calls Answered Percentagetakes the 'Number of Calls Answered' over the 'Number of Calls Received/Made'Transformation/Seated
Average Number of Calls Made (per Day)takes the 'Number of Calls Handled' over the 'Number of Business Days Spent'Transformation/Seated
Average Number of Calls Made (per Week)takes the 'Number of Calls Handled' over the 'Number of Business Days Spent' in a week (7 days)Transformation/Seated
Percentage Distribution Calls Received/MadeTakes the 'Number of Calls Received/Made over the 'Total Number of Calls per Day'Transformation/Seated
Number of Business Days Spenttakes the individual dates based on the provided recordsTransformation/Seated
Total Number of Calls per Daytakes the sum every weekday for all 'Number of Calls Handled' over the 'Number of Business Days Spent'Transformation/Seated
Average Handling Time per AgentTotal Call Duration (in Mins)' over the 'Number of Calls Handled'Transformation/Seated

Employee ID

Current IO Employee IDTransformation


Current Vertical the Team Member is assigned:
  • Healthcare
  • Financial Services
  • LPC Contact Center
  • Contact Center
  • AQR Financial Services
  • Data and Research
  • Administration


Current Department the Team Member is assigned (equates to the team)Transformation
PositionCurrent Position of the Team MemberTransformation
First NameFirst Name of the Team MemberTransformation
Last NameLast Name of the Team MemberTransformation
Basic SalaryLatest Basic Salary of the Team MemberTransformation
AllowanceLatest Allowances included in the compensation for the Team MemberTransformation
De MinimisDe Minimis amount included in the compensation for the Team Member (standard is Php 2,133.00)Transformation
Total SalaryThis is calculated as the Basic Salary + Allowance + De MinimisTransformation

Hire Date

Date when the Team Member was hiredTransformation
PH Positivity Rateis the number of positive individuals as a percentage of the total individuals tested for the week. (Based on DOH)Transformation/Covid
IO Positivity Rateis the number of positive IO employees as a percentage of the total IO employees.Transformation/Covid
Gender Wage Gapis a measure of what women are paid relative to men. The ratio is often expressed as a percent, or in peso terms. This tells us how much a woman is paid for each peso paid to a man.
Age Group

IO groups by age according to the following:

  • Gen Z: 23 years old or younger
  • Gen Y: Between 24 and 41 years old
  • Gen X: Between 42 and 52 years old
  • Baby Boomers: Between 53 and 72 years old

EACEmployee Awareness CheckTransformation/EAC
Status - Doneemployees who take the quizTransformation/EAC
Status - Exemptedemployees who are exempted to take the quiz based on CPP-LC-0101_Employee Awareness Check 6.6Transformation/EAC
Status - Not Startedemployees who did not take the quizTransformation/EAC
Status - Terminatedemployees who are already separatedTransformation/EAC
Status - Other StatusIncludes the following: Floating, Forced Leave, On Leave, RTWOTransformation/EAC
Passing - Passedscore at least 80%Transformation/EAC
Passing - Failedscore below 80% and those who failed to take the quizTransformation/EAC
Passing - Not Taken the Quizemployees under exempted, floating or not started statusTransformation/EAC
Passing - Exemptedemployees under done, exempted or not started statusTransformation/EAC
Passing - Terminatedemployees with terminated statusTransformation/EAC
Passing - Otherunder other statusTransformation/EAC
Monthdate the quiz is conductedTransformation/EAC
Policyquestions policy categoryTransformation/EAC
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