Training Attendance

Training Attendance

Ref. No.: CPP-HR_0001_Training Attendance Policy 
H. Valencia

1.0 Objective
1.1 To institutionalize the implementation of training programs 
1.2 To reinforce IO’s PRIDE value of Dependability which states trust and commitment
2.0 Scope
This policy shall apply to all Infinit-O employees on training programs that are mandatorily required for their attendance and completion. These can be developmental, personal development, company, regulatory or certification required training programs. 

3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Employees identified for the mandatory programs 
3.2 Immediate Superior of the concerned employee who sees to it that his direct report must be equipped with the right and updated mandatory training. 
3.3 HR-Employee Relations – HR section that gathers, consolidates, and reports salary deduction assesses reports of complaints and offenses, and issues the appropriate Notice to Explain (NTE) and Disciplinary Action (DA) to concerned employees. 
4.0 Implementing Guidelines
4.1 Target participants of scheduled company or regulatory required programs must attend such training or seminars. 
4.2 Training letters/invitations are sent through email blast prior to the day of training. These needs to be acknowledged and confirmed by the attendees or superiors of the concerned account or department. This acknowledgment and confirmation should be sent back to L&D either through email, googles sheets or Moodle. 
4.3 One is liable of committing an offense to this policy if: - There is no prior notice to L&D of one’s absence to the scheduled training - One confirms to attend the training but is absent on the day of training 
4.4 If not available on the date of training specified by L&D: 
4.4.1 The participant shall notify L&D at least 2 days prior to the date of training in either of two ways: - The employee submits an email to L&D, copied his/her immediate superior on the reason why he/she could not attend such training or the latter. - The employee will decline in the calendar invite sent by L&D stating the reason why he/she could not attend such training. 
4.4.2 The employee requests for a new schedule but only within 2 weeks is allowed from the date of the missed training. If the program will run just once, the employee would have no chance to take another. If the program is conducted by an external provider and there is another batch, the date of the next training will depend on the agreement between the provider and L&D. 
4.5 An offense to this policy includes a penalty of deducting the total amount of training cost divided by the total number of confirmed participants. Salary deduction will happen in a per cut off basis. Fifty percent (50%) of the total amount will be deducted on the 5th and fifty percent (50%) on the 20th . 
4.6 Absences to training shall be reported monthly by L&D to HR-Employee Relations for appropriate action. 
5.0 References Training Policy 

6.0 Records Enrollment Form
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