Systems Change Implementation

Systems Change Implementation

Ref. No.: CPP-IT-0308_V3_System Change Implementation.doc 
W. Cundangan

1.0 Objective  
To establish the procedures in implementation of systems changes. 

2.0 Scope 
This procedure covers the identification and evaluation of systems change and creation and implementation of Systems Change Implementation Plan. 
System change is identified as introduction of NEW systems, Change/Upgrade of Systems. 

3.0 Responsibility
3.1 The IT Manager is responsible for the identification and evaluation of any systems change, creation and implementation of the Systems Change Implementation Plan and evaluation of the need to use a 3rd party provider. 

4.0 Frequency
4.1 This process is done on a per need basis. 

5.0 Distribution
5.1 IT Team members 

6.0 Usage
6.1 The Implementation Plan will contain the following 
6.1.1 Objective – should discuss the general objective of the change 
6.1.2 Scope – should identify the scope of the change 
6.1.3 Risk Assessment 
6.1.4 Risk Treatment 
6.1.5 Identification of required resources 
6.1.6 Implementation Steps 

7.0 Records
7.1 Implementation Plan: saved in Google Drive\IT\ISO\Systems Change\ 

8.0 References
ISO Control 12.1.2 - Change Management
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