STAY Interview

STAY Interview

What is STAY interview?

Is a conversation with a high-performing employee with the goal of discovering what they like about their role, and what they would like to change. Stay interviews are an opportunity to both uncover what motivates that employee and to also build trust with them as a manager.


To understand the insights of TM about what they like in their role and what they wanted to change to continuously increase their engagement with IO. 


        1. Leaders will be using this form to conduct Stay Interviews for their Team Members.
         2. The Team Members will be identified based on the following:
                a. Rated 3.0 and below on the Manager Pulse Survey,
                b. Employees that are under Orange or Red category in the Early Warning Signal tracker,
                c. Disengaged team members from the eNPS, 
                d. Leader’s discretion.
        3. STAY interview will be conducted by Managers with the TMs.
        4. Managers will talk to the TMs guided by the questions provided in the Stay Interview Form (Coaching Log Form)
        5. Managers will input the responses of the TMs in the form.
        6. Managers and the leader will review the responses and create appropriate action plan.
        7. Managers will share the created action plan to HR using the Action Plan Form (Google Form).
        8. HR will monitor submissions of action plans and track progress of TMs tenure, engagement  etc.


Rating scale

  1. Do you look forward coming to work each day?
  2. How satisfied are you with your job?
  3. Do you feel supported in your job?
  4. Do you feel like you’re getting enough coaching from your leader?
  5. Do you feel you have a good relationship with your leader?

Open ended

  1. What do you think can we do to support you in your role?

Process Flow

STAY Interview Guidelines