Separation Policy

Separation Policy

Company Policy Procedure Manual







Separation Policy


Greson Orbon

October 12, 2023

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


Florentin Lenoir



File name

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


1.0    Objective


To assist team members and immediate superiors in identifying the types of separation that may occur, what provisions a team member should consider, and which procedures a team member should complete.


2.0    Scope


This policy shall apply to all team members.


3.0    Provision

3.1. Non-confirmation to Regular Status

3.1.1. Always conduct a performance evaluation through the Performance Management System (PMS) PMS on the 3rd and 5th months of employment.

3.1.2. The last assessment must be done on the 5th month PMS via the automated PMS generator and must be processed at least two (2) weeks prior to the employee's regularization date. Refer to the regularization policy. 

3.1.3. If the employee has issues and/or immediate superiors decide to pre-terminate the employment.


4.0    Probationary

4.1. The team member did not pass the KPI score after 3 or 5th month review.

4.2. The team member receives escalation and that is not aligned with the company policy.

4.3. The team members' PEME result is not acceptable with the company requirements. E.g. Class D - Not Fit to work.



5.0    Regular/Project based/Consultant employee

5.1. The team member receives escalation and that is not aligned with the company policy.

5.2. The team member is not fit to work due to an illness that is not curable within 6 months. 

5.3. The team member did not meet KPI scores for the past 3 months after enrolling into PIP.

5.4. The team members did not meet satisfactory attendance standards for 6 to 12 consecutive months.


6.0    Resignation/Voluntary

6.1. A team member may terminate their employment with the Company provided that they comply with the following pre-termination requirements:

6.1.1.   For team members, a written resignation notice of at least sixty (60) calendar days or less, depending on the employee’s signed contract and/or agreement in relation to the transitions necessary for the role, prior to the effective date of resignation

6.1.2.   All immediate resignations must be approved by the VP/SVP level following the approval order: 


Team Leader (Endorsement only)

Manager (Endorsing approval)

VP/SVP (Final approval) for immediate resignation


6.2. The acceptance letter and retention discussion form are for completion by the immediate supervisor and manager. Both documents are to be accomplished via the automated acceptance letter and retention discussion form.

6.3. For resignation without cause, the employee is required to render at least sixty (60) calendar days or less, depending on the employee’s signed contract and/or agreement, in relation to the


Company Policy Procedure Manual







Separation Policy


Greson Orbon

October 12, 2023

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


Florentin Lenoir



File name

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


transitions necessary for the role and to enable the company to look for a replacement to prevent work disruption.

6.4. Failure to comply with the requirement to give written notice and/or render the required period, runs the risk of incurring and paying for the liquidated damages, as stated in the contract provisions under the “Termination” section. As a consequence, Infinit-O Philippines Inc. reserves the right to file for said damages to protect its relationship with the clients, its business, and the interests of the employees who may be affected by said disruption.

6.5. Immediate resignations and/or liquidated damages can be waived due to the following conditions:

- If respective VP of the department approved the request for immediate resignation and/or;

- The employee was issued a medical clearance of not-fit to work due to health issues by an accredited medical health professional. A copy of the medical clearance will be provided for reference upon approval of the immediate resignation.

6.6.  The salary of an employee who fails to comply with the required notice period, will immediately be placed on hold as the company proceeds with the filing of an administrative case against the employee.

6.7. A Return-to-Work Order will be sent to the employee to initiate due process for a possible termination of employment due to Job Abandonment or under 3.10 of the Table of Offenses.

6.8. If the employee is proven to have abandoned employment, the company will proceed with the filing of an administrative case against the terminated employee for damages incurred as a result of the employee's abandonment.


7.0    Termination of Employment/Involuntary

7.1. The Company has the right to terminate the employment of any team member in compliance with company policies and applicable labor laws and regulations.

7.2. In the case of regular employment, the Company shall not terminate the services of a team member except for just or authorized causes, as provided by law and subject to the requirements of due process.

7.3. For probationary employment, services may be terminated for a just or authorized cause or when he/she fails to qualify as a regular team member in accordance with reasonable standards made known to the team member by the Company at the time of his/her engagement.

7.4. For termination of employment based on authorized causes, the Company shall serve a written notice of termination to the team member and the appropriate Regional Office of the Department of Labor at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of the termination, specifying the ground(s) for termination. Authorized causes are described as:


·       Installation of labor-saving devices

·       Redundancy

·       Retrenchment

·       Company Closure

·       Disease 


7.5. For termination of employment based on just causes and the commission of violations specified in the organization’s Table of Offenses, the Company shall follow its Code of Conduct and labor law standards of due process.

7.6. If the just cause is due to gross inefficiency and/or habitual neglect of duties, proper notice, coaching, and discussion logs must be in place before any termination. Just causes are described as:

-       Serious Misconduct

-       Willful Disobedience to lawful orders

-       Gross and habitual neglect of duties

-       Fraud or willful breach of trust

Company Policy Procedure Manual







Separation Policy


Greson Orbon

October 12, 2023

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


Florentin Lenoir



File name

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


-       Commission of a crime or offense

-       Analogous causes, such as:

o   Abandonment

o   Gross inefficiency

o   Disloyalty or conflict of interest

o   Dishonesty


Guide for process requirements per separation type:


Separation Type


Acceptance of


Retention Discussion

Exit Interview

HRMS Exit dashboard






Process by Immediate supervisor






Process by resigned employee


Mutual Agreement




Process by Immediate supervisor


Just Cause


Process by Immediate supervisor



Process by Immediate supervisor





Process by Immediate supervisor


8.0    Reference for definition:

8.1. Immediate – Did not complete the required rendering period with approval by VP of CSG (Refer to 6.5 of this policy)

8.2. Rendered – Complied with the required rendering period of at least 30 days or as stated on the member's signed contract (Refer to 6.1 of this policy)

8.3. Mutually agreed – Did not complete the required rendering period without approval by VP of CSG (Refer to 6.5 of this policy)

8.4. Just Cause – Termination of employment due to violation of company and/or labor policies (Refer to 7.6 of this policy)

8.5. Performance – Failure of member to meet set standards upon and/or during employment (Refer to 7.3 of this policy)

8.6. Redundancy/Downsizing – authorized cause for termination of employment provided for in Article 298 of the Labor Code (Refer to 7.4 of this policy)


9.0 Floating Status

9.1.  Immediate supervisor must file all affected employees via Floating status form located at the IO Knowledge base via Leaders issuance form.

9.2.  PT&T must check the floating status tracker weekly to initiate the Exit of the employees who ended their floating status via HRMS Exit dashboard.

9.3. Refer to Floating/Redundancy policy.


10.0 Retraction of resignation

10.1. The immediate supervisor must seek approval from the accounts Manager before accepting the resigning employee's request to retract resignation.

10.2. The immediate supervisor must send a ticket to IT and HR ER for activation of access at least before the effective date of resignation.


11.0 Terminal Leave

11.1. The Company has the right to accept or deny any request for terminal leave. Should the resigning team member apply for terminal leave and be consequently approved, the Company


Company Policy Procedure Manual







Separation Policy


Greson Orbon

October 12, 2023

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


Florentin Lenoir



File name

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


expects that prior to the availment of leave, proper turnover of duties and responsibilities is done. The resigning employees may only use accrued leave, any excess usage beyond accrued leave will be deducted from final pay.


12.0 Requirements

12.1. The immediate superior shall provide the resigning team member with a turnover template specific to his position. The team member shall then be responsible to accomplish the turnover form and completing the turnover of duties, responsibilities, accountabilities, pending tasks, etc. to his/her successor or to anyone designated by Team Head, VP or SVP-CSG, in case a replacement is not yet available.

12.2. The resigning employee must initiate resignation via HRMS Exit Dashboard on same day when the resignation is submitted. The effective date to be indicated should be the day after the employee’s last working day. This is to prompt and ensure that the IT team will be able to deactivate the employee’s profile in the system and all other provided log-in access.

12.3. The resigning employees must download separation document (resignation letter to HRMS Exit Dashboard.

12.4. The immediate supervisor must initiate Retention discussion and Acceptance letter via IO Knowledgebase located at Leaders Issuance form.

12.5. The process of returning all Infinit-O’s assets provided to the employee upon and during their employment, must be coordinated with the SSP Team and IT following the Asset Retrieval Policy depending on the type of employee separation.


The following items are to be returned:

-       Company ID

-       Employee HMO card

-       Dependent/s HMO card (if any)

-       Proximity card/badge

-       Yubikey

-       Locker or Pedestal key (if any)

-       Laptop / Desktop unit (if any)

-       Headset / Mouse and/or laptop/desktop accessories, etc. (if any)

-       Company Phone and/with Company Sim card (If any)

-       Credit Card (If any)

-       Client/Account specific physical access item (if any)

-       MAAX Parking Card


12.6. The direct Supervisor/Manager will ensure that the employee will be able to endorse and transition to them all the electronic data and intellectual assets handled by the employee from the account, whether due to promotion or resignation.

12.7. Separations are concluded professionally with an exit interview. The P&T Team will conduct an exit interview to discuss the team member’s reason for leaving and any other impressions that a team member may have about the Company, as well as to answer any questions the departing team member may have.

12.8. Only when all these requirements are satisfied that a resigning team member is considered validly resigned from and without liability to the Company

12.9. Should the resigning team member fail to comply with all the requirements needed, including the completion of a Quit Claim, Authorization Letter to deposit, and/or Authorization to Deduct (if applicable), the Company will not release the final pay due to them.

12.10. The team member’s immediate superior or any one of the Management Team releases the advisory on separation to the corresponding client.


Company Policy Procedure Manual







Separation Policy


Greson Orbon

October 12, 2023

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


Florentin Lenoir



File name

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


12.11. Supervisor/Manager who fails to submit the required documents (Acceptance Letter and Retention discussion) within the time frame may be given a discussion log under 3.12 of the Infinit-O table of offenses.


13.0 Exit Dashboard

13.1. Resignation of Team Member with Employee access

13.1.1. Team members must file their resignation through HRMS by visiting Exit > Employee Resignation-Request on the same day that their resignation letter is submitted to their supervisors separately

13.1.2. Team members must select the Reason for Separation

13.1.3. Team members must upload the resignation letter as Document

13.1.4.  Team members must encode their most updated Personal Email ID, Personal Mobile Number and Current Address

13.1.5. Team members must answer the Exit Interview Form


13.2. Immediate Resignation, Employees with 30 days rendering period based on contract, Termination, Non-Continuance, Redundancy of Team Member with Reporting Manager access

13.2.1. Reporting managers must file their resignation on their behalf through HRMS by visiting Exit > Reporting Manager-Initiation on the same day as the effective date

13.2.2. Reporting managers must encode the most updated Personal Email ID, Personal Mobile Number and Current Address of the team member

13.2.3. Reporting managers must select the Effectivity Date

13.2.4. Reporting managers must select the Reason for Separation

13.2.5. Reporting managers must upload the supporting documentation as Document



14.0 Responsibility   

14.1. In case of resignation, it shall be the responsibility of the resigning team member to submit a signed resignation letter, process the resignation via the HRMS Exit Module, and comply with all the requirements relative to their separation and process the revocation via the HRMS  Exit Dashboard

14.2. In the case of termination due to just causes, approved immediate resignation, employees with 30 days rendering period based on contract, it is the responsibility of the immediate superior to process the resignation via the HRMS Exit Dashboard

14.3. In the case of termination due to authorized causes, it is the responsibility of the P&T Team to implement the action in accordance with DOLE regulations in a form of due process.

14.4. It shall be the responsibility of the immediate superior to ensure that proper turnover is made prior to the team member’s last day of employment.

14.5. It shall be the responsibility of the SSP Team to accept returned company assets/items from employees and/or their direct supervisors.

14.6. It shall be the responsibility of the P&T Team to conduct the exit interview, monitor the processing and status of clearance.

14.7. It shall be the responsibility of the IT Team to conduct audits and revoke access.

14.8. It shall be the responsibility of the F&A Team to ensure the signing of the quit claim by the member and release the final pay of the team member upon completion of the requirements.


15.0        Frequency

15.1. Resignation - Release of final pay is a minimum of 30 to 40 calendar days after completion of clearance.

15.2. For Managers and up, the final pay process will start after all liabilities are closed (ex. Mobile Usage Bills, Credit Card, etc.)


Company Policy Procedure Manual







Separation Policy


Greson Orbon

October 12, 2023

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


Florentin Lenoir



File name

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


15.3. Just/Authorized/Termination – Release minimum of 30 to 40 calendar days after completion of clearance.



16.0 Distribution

Team Member  

Immediate Superior

HR-ER Team

F&A Team

IT Team



17.0         Usage

17.1. Resignation

17.1.1. The team member submits the resignation letter to the immediate supervisor.

17.1.2. The immediate supervisor receives and signs the resignation letter.

17.1.3. The immediate supervisor endorses the resignation letter to the P&T Team, together with the following: Automated Retention discussion form with approval of Supervisor Manager and VP/SVP (if necessary) and; accomplished automated acceptance letter

17.1.4. Resigned employee to undergo Exit with P&T Team on the agreed schedule at least 2 weeks prior or within the last working week of the member.

17.1.5. P&T Team will initiate the online clearance form.

17.1.6. Team Heads and other departments (IT, SSP, Finance and P&T Team) will sign the online clearance via HRMS Exit dashboard

17.1.7. P&T Team prepares the Certificate of Employment

17.1.8. Certificates of Contribution for SSS, HDMF, PHIC will be prepared and provided by the P & T Team as per the employee’s request.

17.1.9. F&A Team computes last pay and applicable deductions, if any.

17.1.10. F&A Team prepares the BIR 2316 form.

17.1.11. F&A Team will credit the last pay to the separated team member’s chosen bank account and provide pertinent documents related to the separation.

17.1.12. IT Team implements access revocation upon approval of a revocation request initiated by the supervisor on the team member’s effective date of separation.

17.1.13. Immediate Resignation, Employees with 30 days rendering period based on contract and Termination due to just cause

17.1.14. Follow the Code of Conduct process. Performs step 7.4.

17.1.15. Release of Final Pay and other documents

17.1.16. Salary will be put on hold based on the payroll cutoff.  Ex. If the effective date falls within the pay cut off salary, it will automatically be put on hold until the nearest pay out date.

17.1.17. Unpaid days will be included in the computation of the Final pay.


18.0 References 

Table of Offenses

Code of Conduct

Labor Code                  

Return to Work Order Policy


19.0 Records   

Resignation Letter


Company Policy Procedure Manual







Separation Policy


Greson Orbon

October 12, 2023

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


Florentin Lenoir



File name

CPP-HR-012024_Separation Policy


Clearance Certificate

Certificate of Employment

Certificate of Contribution for SSS, PHIC, HDMF

Waiver of Release/Quit-Claim 

BIR 2316





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