Regularization Policy

Regularization Policy

Regularization Policy

1.    Objective


To provide regular employment to team members who have passed the probationary period and recognize them for performing well on their jobs. 


2.    Scope   


This policy applies to all probationary team members. 


3.    Provision

3.1.  Regular employment shall commence on a probationary period for a maximum period of six (6) months, after which the team member shall be confirmed as a regular team member.

3.2.  Probationary team members are assessed on their 3rd and 5th reviews of employment to give them ample time to improve if KPIs and standard work are not being met.

3.3.  Probationary team members are expected to access their  Learning Management System (LMS) profiles and complete the following mandatory courses:


a.     Understanding IO Competencies

b.     Phishing Awareness

c.     Data Privacy

d.     Healthcare Program Coverage: HMO

e.     Sexual Harassment Awareness

f.      Information Security Awareness

g.     Employee Handbook

h.     HRIS Employee Access Guide

i.      Anti-Bribery Awareness

j.      Environmental, Social, and Governance

k.     Performance Management System User Guide

l.      Artificial Intelligence

3.4.  These courses are to be completed by new hires in the first (1st) month of their employment as preparation for their third (3rd) month assessment. 

3.5.  In the event that the probationary member fails to complete all mandatory courses in LMS by their 3rd month, the immediate supervisor should reiterate the need for their completion as part of the consideration for their regularization. Probationary employees will be informed that non-compliance within 2 weeks from the date of the 3rd-month assessment discussion may lead to the issuance of a discussion log based on applicable sanctions from the table of offenses and Code of Conduct. 

3.6.  Probationary employees who did not complete the mandatory courses two weeks prior to their 5th month evaluation should not be endorsed for regularization.

3.7.  In case an employee fails to comply, their immediate supervisor is to request a notice to explain from the employee that is to be submitted within 24-48 hours after the request has been sent.

3.8.  Probationary employees who do not complete the prerequisite requirements, corresponding non-continuance will take effect.

4.    Regularization

4.1.  The immediate supervisor needs to submit 3rd and 5th reviews via (PMS - Performance Management System).

4.2.  The immediate supervisor will first send the 3rd month review.

4.3.  HR ER will review 3rd month scores to determine if team members will continue with their 4th and 5th months. 

4.4.  If the team member fails the 3rd month review, the immediate supervisor must submit a ticket to HR ER for discussion of the team member's employment status. 

4.5.  For the 5th month review, the immediate supervisor must submit the team member’s score via PMS

4.6.  HR ER will review 5th month scores to determine if team members will be endorsed for regularization.       

4.7.  Once a team member is recommended for regularization, the immediate supervisor must initiate the regularization movement via HRIS after the 5th month review. 

4.8.  Immediate supervisors must initiate regularization with an effective date of regularization on their 6th month. 

4.9.  Once filed, the HR ER department will receive the notification for review and approval.

4.10.               Requests must be approved within 24 to 48 hours by the HR ER department. 

4.11.               Once approved, the team member’s will receive regularization via signrequest and the immediate supervisor will be notified.

4.12.               Team members must sign the regularization letter within 24 to 48 hours. 

4.13.               The immediate supervisor must submit a review at least a week prior to their 3rd and 5th months.  

4.14.               In the event that the review is delayed, the immediate supervisor must notify HR ER to avoid confusion. 

4.15.               A discussion log will be given to the immediate supervisor if they submit the PMS scores late or fail to submit both the 3rd and 5th month reviews.  

4.16.               If the immediate supervisor fails to submit the team member’s fifth review three weeks before the regularization date, the team member will be considered regular. 

4.17.               The immediate supervisor may also recommend early regularization after the third month review. Follow 4.7

5.    Non-Continuance

5.1.  The immediate supervisor may recommend the team members for non-continuance if the members fail their 3rd and 5th month reviews. 

5.2.  The immediate supervisor must submit the PMS form via ticket and request a schedule of discussion for team member’s employment status. 

5.3.  Non-continuance must be served a week after the 5th month review.

5.4.  A recommendation for Non-continuance three weeks before the team member's regularization date will not be valid. 


Assuming that team members are hired on January 1st. 


3rd month review should be conducted in the 1st week of April.

5th month review should be conducted in the 1st week of June.

5.5.  HR ER will review the scores and ask for a date from the immediate supervisor for discussion with the team member about their employment status.

5.6.  The team member may also be a candidate for non-continuance if the team member receives a client escalation or disciplinary action. 

6.    Responsibility

6.1.  New hire to ensure completion of all mandatory LMS courses in the 1st month of their employment as part of the initial assessment on their 3rd month and prior confirmation on their 5th month or early regularization.

6.2.  The Immediate supervisor will monitor the probationary member’s progress and completion of the mandatory LMS courses.

6.3.  The Immediate superior is responsible for preparing the team member’s Performance Management System (PMS) Form, making a recommendation, and initiating the EMF for regularization via HRIS.

6.4.  HR-ER shall monitor the end period of all probationary team members under probationary employment.

7.    Frequency

7.1.  An initial performance is conducted on the 3rd month of employment.

7.2.  The final performance appraisal for regularization is conducted on the 5th month.

8.    Distribution

HR ER      

Team Member 

Leaders Circle 


9.    Definition

9.1.  Passing Scores:








PMS - Performance management system

KRA - Key Results Area



10. References

Performance Management System 

Separation Policy

11. Records



201 file


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