CPP-HR-0215 Quarterly Team Incentive V3

CPP-HR-0215 Quarterly Team Incentive V3


Approval Date



Approved by  


C. Delfin

  • 3.0

  • 4.0

  • 5.0

R. Tan

R. Ong

  1. Objective  

To implement a structured and transparent Quarterly Team Incentives program aimed at recognizing and rewarding exceptional team performance, fostering collaboration, and driving achievement of strategic objectives, thereby enhancing motivation, engagement, and overall organizational success.

  1. Scope  

This program shall apply to all Infinit-O Philippines, Inc. Teams.  


  1. Definition of Terms

  1. Quarter - 3 consecutive months for each calendar year

  2. Team - Composed of 2 Full Time Employees, 1 Team Leader (TL) and 1 Team Member (TM) or 2 TMs 

  3. Incentives - benefit offered by Infinit-O to qualified Teams to recognize achievements aligned with organizational goals.

  4. Criteria - the standard by which Infinit-O will determine eligibility for Teams to be part of the incentive program.

  5. Key Results (KRs) - are specific, measurable outcomes that indicate progress toward achieving the objectives.  

  6. Core Attrition - specifically pertains to team members who have officially resigned from Infinit-O.

  7. Attendance - refers to the number of days TMs reported for work. 

  8. Loss of Pay (LOP) - refers to the number of days TMs did not report for work.  

  9. Floating Status - refers to a temporary layoff of TMs which may be brought about by the suspension of operations of the account/business. 

  10. Leaves - are authorized periods of absence from work granted by Infinit-O as part of TMs benefits. Unauthorized leaves will be treated as absent. 

  11. Unpaid Leaves - tagged as LOP in the attendance module of the HRIS.

  12. Leave of Absence (LOA) - refers to a prolonged absence due to medical reasons such as sickness or maternity. This is considered unpaid in the HRIS. 

  13. QMMS - Quality Monitoring and Management System is the tool used by Infint-O to log in quality and information security findings or observations for improvement.

  1. Provisions   

  1. Qualification:

    1. To qualify for this program, a team member must be active for at least 2 months within the quarter.

  1. Team Criteria:

    1. Key Results (KRs)

      1. Key Results (KRs) are determined by averaging all KR scores for the quarter and are due for submission every 20th day of the month following the quarter. 

      2. KR scores are generated through Infinit-O’s Performance Management System (PMS).

      3. KR Score of 95% or higher will qualify the team for eligibility.

      4. Team members on Maternity Leave, Floating, and LOA are excluded from the computation of average KRs.

  1. Attrition

    1. Core attrition is calculated quarterly as  (Number of Core Separations / Headcount for the Quarter). 

    2. Headcount for the quarter is calculated as (Headcount at the Start of the Quarter + Headcount at the End of the Quarter) / 2. 

    3. Quarterly reports are populated in Infinit-O’s reporting tool with data sources coming from the HRIS.

    4. To be eligible for team incentives, team members must fulfill the following criteria:

      1. Have rendered 30 days or more of service, except TMs on Floating status.

      2. Immediate resignations with prior approval from the corresponding VP of the team.

      3. Team core attrition must be less than 25%.

  1. Attendance

    1. Attendance is calculated as (Total Number of Days Present / Total Number of Working Days)

    2. Total Number of Working Days refers to the total days all team members are on shift.

    3. Attendance reports are populated using Infinit-O’s Attendance and Timekeeping Module of the HRIS.

    4. To be eligible for team incentives, the team must maintain an attendance adherence of at least 95% per quarter.

  1. Leaves

    1. All Planned and Unplanned Leaves, including long-term leaves such as Maternity, Paternity or LOA are excluded from consideration of attendance adherence if properly filed and approved in the payroll system.

    2. Leave summary reports are generated using Infinit-O’s Attendance and Timekeeping Module of the HRIS

  1. Loss of Pay (LOP)

    1. All LOPs are considered absences unless rectified in the payroll system.

    2. LOPs may result from failure to log in or out properly or failure to map a shift schedule. Sufficient time is provided from the payroll cut-off to the due date to finalize any attendance corrections.

    3. LOP reports are generated using Infinit-O’s Attendance and Timekeeping Module of the HRIS.\

  1. Floating Status

    1. Team members on floating status are excluded from consideration for attendance adherence.

    2. The Floating Status tracker serves as the primary reference for determining the employment status of team members.

  1. QMMS

    1. There should be no open or floating QMMS records beyond 30 days from their creation date.

    2. Teams will be disqualified if their open QMMS records remain unresolved for more than 30 days within the quarter. Except wherein corrective action requires budget allocation or would take more than 30 days to execute.

    3. The QMMS tool of Infinit-O will serve as the primary source for the quarterly report.

  1. Sample Table of the criteria:




Team KRs of 95% and above


95% team adherence per quarter


Render 30 days or more; and

Core attrition less than 25% (Per Quarter)


No open/floating QMMS records (Closed within 30 days from the date of creation)

  1. Teams failing to meet targets or submit scores after the 20th of the month following the end of the quarter are ineligible for the incentive.

  1. Eligible teams will receive a team budget of Php500 per member of the team.

  2. The incentive amount is based on members who have been active for at least 2 months during the quarter.

  1. The incentive is intended for team-building activities and cannot be directly transferred to individual members. Proof of usage, in the form of a receipt for the team-building activity, will be required.

  1. Responsibilities

  1. Managers or Team Leaders:

    1. Provide KR scores for their team every quarter using the PMS.

    2. Submit the team's KR scores on or before the 20th of the month following the quarter's end.

    3. Review Loss of Pay (LOP) incidents with team members and address any attendance corrections on or before the 20th of the month following the end of the quarter. 

    4. Create Purchase Requisition Forms (PRFs) based on approved headcount.

    5. Prepare the liquidation for created PRFs.

  1. HR-ER Team:

    1. Download Reports from the Payroll System, Performance Management System, and HRIS.

    2. Review, verify and sign off the report once generated.

    3. Update YTD Separated Employees and New Hires Tracker 

    4. Review Floating trackers 

    5. Send the reports to Solutions Innovation Team

  1. Finance Department:

  1. Verify the accuracy of the tracker and ensure timely crediting of incentives.

  2. Track liquidation of PRF’s filed.

  1. Solutions Innovation

    1. Ensure quarterly team incentive ingest necessary information to generate the report. 

    2. Send emails to eligible teams notifying them of their eligibility.

  1. Frequency

  1. Quarterly

  2. Incentive to be credited based on the following timeline:





Apr 21st

May 1st Week


Jul   21st

Aug 1st Week 


Oct  21st

Nov 1st Week


Jan  21st

Feb 1st Week

  1. Distribution


CSG Managers / Team Leaders 


Solutions Innovation


  1. Usage  

Qualification is via Infinit-O’s PMS, HRIS, and the QMMS system

HR reviews disputes in eligibility or scores

Finalized email notification is forwarded to Managers for review and PRF creation. 

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