Can I add KR’s in each Objective?

Yes definitely, you can click “Add new sub key result” under the objective that you stated. Please note that objectives are only added by supervisors.

If no one else is available to answer my question, where can I get reference?

  1. includes a live chat where a real person will answer you in whatever question that you might have. It can be found on the upper right side of the tool.
  2. Search for the course in moodle where there are videos that you can watch and FAQ.

What are the types of KPI? And where can I locate it?

Non-measurable KPI

Percentage Tracked

This KPI type is used to track completion of a qualitative outcome that can’t be measured using a metric. 

Milestone Tracked

This is used for KPI that can’t be measured. It’s more a series of milestones that you want to track against.

For example, you want to:

  • Launch a new product

  • Hire a new VP of sales

  • Establish a new retail outlet

Task Tracked

Is used to track the completion of a series of tasks you have created. For example:

  • Hire 20 Customer Service Representative

  • Close open tickets 

Measurable KPI

Increase KPI

Is used if you intend to increase the value of a KPI.

For example, you want to:

  • Increase revenue

  • Increase the number of retail outlets in an area

  • Increase customer retention

Decrease KPI

Is used if you intend to reduce the value of a KPI.

For example, you want to:

  • Reduce Customer Churn

  • Reduce employee attrition

  • Reduce the # of customer reported issues on a specific product line

Control KPI

Is used if you intend to maintain the value of this KPI in a certain range. For example, you want to:

  • Maintain employee training hours

  • Maintain sales rep touchpoints with a category of customers

  • Maintain the Debt-to-Equity ratio in a certain range

These types of KPIs can be found when you create a new OKR and select step by step guide.

If I am a Supervisor how can I add an Objective?

Click the + icon beside All My OKRs. Please note that Objectives should be aligned with the Department/Infinit-O OKR and is usually being added by Managers/Directors/Execom.

How can I align my objective to Infinit-O OKR and Department OKR?

Department and Infinit-O OKRs can be aligned by putting your mouse in the Objective or KR where you want to align then 

  1. Click the 3 dots.

  2. Click Align

  3. Click the OKR where you want to align your Objective or KR.

What do we mean by department and parent department in

The Department in is aligned with the  Sub Service Line of Infinit-O. See samples below: 




On the other hand, the Parent Department in is aligned with the Service Line of Infinit-O. See samples below:

  • Customer Experience

  • Financial Services

  • Sales & Marketing

  • Data Science and Analytics

How can I add weight for each of my Objective and Key Results?

  1. Click the icon on the red box and it will show you the weightage for each Objective
  2. Click the icon on the red box and it will show you the weightage for each KR under an objective

How can I add notes for my OKR?

Hover your cursor on the key result and click on Notes as shown in the below image. Click on the Notes tab and click on the + icon to add/create Notes.

I have a Team Member  (TM) not included in my list. What do I need to do?

Send a ticket to to request the inclusion of your missing ™.

How can I track the progress and performance of my team members’ goals in real time?

This can be done through check ins either weekly, monthly or quarterly. 

1. Navigate to OKR → All My OKRs/My Individuals OKRs/My Departments’ OKRs/My Teams’ OKRs from the left navigation panel.

Select the Key Result and slide the Progress bar of the Key Result to record your progress.

2. A Check-in side panel will open in which you can provide the details for the progress of the Key Result.

  • Progress value

  • Status of the Key Result

  • Comments

Then click Update.

Also, you can make progress for any of your Key Results through its view page.

Click on the desired Key result.

In the Key Result overview page, under the Check-in section, click on Check-in. Record the progress and click Update.

I have a Team Member with the same OKR but different weight and target. How do I plot this in

OKRs can be distributed in In this way even of the OKR are the same you can put a different distribution

1. Navigate to the All my OKRs page and select the Key Result for which you want to create sub-key results and distribute weights. 

Click on the Add a new sub key result button and select Distribute from the list.

2. In the Distribute as Sub Key Results page, select the assignees and click on the Distribute button.

3. Now the key results have been distributed, you can now click on the Distribute and Create Key results button.

Note: If the % DISTRIBUTION is less than 100, the users will be notified by an indication stating, "Numbers don’t add up but still you can continue," which means your progress will not be affected, either the % DISTRIBUTION is less than or more than 100 as shown in the image below.

The Sub Key Result is now distributed among the selected employees.
4. Distributing weightage to sub-key results can also be done by clicking on the desired OKRs Department name and selecting the Assignees for whom you want to distribute. Once done, click on the Distribute button.

Then follow the same steps mentioned in  Step 2 and Step 3 to distribute weightage.

Should you require visual guides, you can refer to Infinit-O Knowledgebase and click the FAQs button

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      Version Approval Date Author Changes Approved by 4.0 M. Martinez 4.5.4 – F. Lenoir 4.5.5 4.7 4.7.1 – 4.7.3 4.8.2 c – d 6.1 6.1.1 – 6.1.2 6.2 9.0 5.0 H.Valencia 4.1.2 Added Key Results 4.2.1 Replaced KRA’s with OKRs 4.3 Added the OKrs in Performance ...