People Operations - Definitions

People Operations - Definitions

People Operations

Candidate Experiencea candidate’s perception of a company’s entire recruiting and hiring process.Recruitment
Candidate Personaa clear semi-fictional representational of the ideal candidate to fill an open position. The candidate persona is typically determined by an HR team in order to tailor their sourcing and acquisition strategies towards candidates who match that personaRecruitment
Active Candidatesan individual who is actively searching for a job and is open to hearing about opportunities from recruiters and employers. The opposite of a passive candidate.Recruitment
Backfillan open position created by the vacation of the incumbent.Recruitment
JOJob OfferRecruitment
PEMEPre-Employment Medical ExaminationRecruitment
ATS (Applicant Tracking System)the software used to automate many of the processes needed to manage the recruitment process. In many cases, an ATS automatically filters applications based on given criteria such as keywords, skills, former employers, years of experience and schools attended. The ATS then creates a list of candidates applications that match the given criteria.Recruitment
C-leveltop-level managers in organizations whose titles include the word “chief”. Examples include CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CFO (Chief Financial Officer), and COO (Chief Operating Officer).Recruitment
Calibrationtypically done during an intake meeting where the Recruiter or Sourcer meets with the Hiring Manager to understand the job requirements for a new opening.Recruitment
Candidate ProfileRecruitment
Ave. EndorsementsAverage number of candidates being endorsed to Operations as part of the recruitment process per MPR and per monthRecruitment
Job FitCandidate Education VS Job RequirementsRecruitment
Cost per hireCost per hire measures what we’re paying to recruit and onboard each new employee. Cost per hire = All recruiting and Recruitment staffing costs ÷ Number of new hiresRecruitment
Advance Hiring Revenue for RecruitmentMonthly Advance Hiring REC = Sum of all the days early per open position within a specific x the revenue coefficient associated with the daily salary of each of these positions Recruitment
Loss of Revenue for RecruitmentMonthly LOR REC = Sum of all the days late per open position within a specific x the revenue coefficient associated with the daily salary of each of these positions Recruitment
Applicants per MPRNumber of applicants that apply to MPRs on average per monthRecruitment
Hires Per RecruiterNumber of MPRs a recruiter closes on average per monthRecruitment
Quality of Hire IndexOverall Quality of Hire % = [Avg. Quality of Hire score over last 6 months]: Composed of:
1 - Early Turnover Rate
Regularization PMS
Job Fit
New Hire Satisfaction
On Time Hiring
Time to FillTime to fill in the time it takes to identify a candidate and fill an open position in your organization. Tracking Time to fill is imperative because it directly impacts your ability to onboard the most lucrative talent. The average time to fill a position is 42 days.Recruitment
Time to HireTime to hire is the amount of time between when a candidate is sourced or applies to your job posting, and when the candidate accepts the job offer.Recruitment
Early TurnoverVoluntary and involuntary attrition happening within the first 6 months (probitionary period) of a Team Member joining the organizationRecruitment
Background InvestigationA background check is an investigation into a person's professional and personal history that validates or disproves their character and identity. A typical background check includes criminal records, education and employment history, civil records, references, and more depending on the situation and individual.Recruitment
HR InterviewFirst interview conducted by HR recruitment teamRecruitment
Paper ScreeningFirst review and sorting of resumes prior any interviewRecruitment
Operations InterviewInterview conducted by Operations teamRecruitment
Employee Referral ProgramProgram that allows the team members to refer their friends and family to work for the organizationRecruitment
Applicant Experience SurveySurvey to measure the efficiency of the hiring process from an applicant perspectiveRecruitment
Manpower RequestUsed whenever the company needs to request for additional workforce during certain projects or within specific department/verticalRecruitment
Character Reference CheckRecruitment
New Hire ChecklistList of requirements needed from the new hiresRecuitment
NHONew HIre OrientationHR
Overtime Report and Percentage2 objectives here, get an understanding of how efficient we are at scheduling and evaluate if OT policies are well implemented across the organization .
Overtime percentage = Overtime pay amount ÷ Total payrol
AbsenteeismAbsenteeism = Workdays missed ÷ Total workdays scheduled
Target Absenteeism Rate = (Average # of Employees X Missed or unplanned Workdays) / (Average # of Employees X Total Workdays) =
Target Absenteeism Rate % = Total Unplanned Workdays (4) / Total Available for Work ((365-52-52-15)/12) = 4/246 = 1.63%
Raw Attrition at IOAttrition at IO indicates the gross reduction of workforce.
Includes every roles, accounts, positions
- Project-based hires should be included in the total attrition number
- Hires that did not start (ie did not complete the NHO even if they signed a contract) are NOT included in the total attrition number (seperate tracker for recruitment)
- Sprout will be the source of truth for separated individuals. The separated date is the last working day of the individual +1 day
- Profiles tagged as 'old profile' shouldn't be included in the list, these people either being still part of the organization or having resigned eventually (and listed as such under their new EID)
- Floaters are included
- Lenddo Team members are included
Average Time Until Promotion or Pay Increase OR Time since last promotionAverage Time Until Promotion or Pay Increase OR Time since last promotion
This HR metric measures how long it takes for an employee, on average to be promoted or receive a pay increase.
Average time until promotion = Date of pay increase or promotion – hire date
Core Attrition at IOCore Attrition at IO indicates the gross reduction of workforce but focuses on the high-impact attrition
- Project-based hires should NOT be included in the core attrition number
- Floaters are NOT included
- Lenddo Team members are NOT included
Cost per FTE employeeCost per FTE employee: costs as a percentage of revenue and costs as a percentage of total operating costs. Most computations of total HR costs include the complete compensation and benefits of HR FTEs, supplier costs, HR technology costs and corporate overhead costs. Though many companies still have costs of up to $5,000 or more per employee in HR administrative processes, world-class organizations are at or below $1,100 per employee.HR
Diversity & InclusionDiversity & Inclusion (this will most likely come from a survey)
Diversity rate/employee demographics
Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS): Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is defined as a concept that is built around the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to measure employee loyalty. It is a method of measuring how willing your employees to recommend their workplace to their family or friends.

Floating Status ReportFloating Status Report (movement and liability)HR
HR-to-employee ratioHR-to-employee ratios: ratio of HR employees to all employees. This should be a metric that we track over time, it would be good to see if we can have it on a monthly basis.
This ratio measures the numbers of HR full-time equivalents (FTEs) for every 100 FTE employees in the organization and is useful when comparing the HR functions in organizations of differing sizes.For a company like ours, the ratio should be at 1.5-1.8.
Length of Service / TenureLength of service is another indicator of employee job satisfaction and workforce happiness. HR
Liquidated Damages ReportLiquidated Damages Report / AWOL. Helps understand the cost of the Team Member's breaking their employment contract with the organizationHR
Leave Utilization ReportMeasuring how leaves are being taken by the team members, per vertical, per type of leaveHR
Profit per employeeMeasuring profit per employee can ensure we aren’t over or understaffed.

Profit per employee = Business profit ÷ Number of employees
Payroll to revenue RatioPayroll to Revenue Ratio is a productivity metric that measures how effective a business is at utilizing its labour costs to produce revenue.HR
Revenue per FTE employeeRevenue per FTE employee: It helps determine the value of employees to our business. To put in correlation with Cost of Hire. Revenue per employee = Total revenue ÷ Total number of employeesHR
Salary competitiveness RatioSalary Competitiveness Ratio (SCR) is a measure of how competitive the current salary is that a company offers for specific job roles. Salary competitiveness can be measured against specific competitors or against the general market.HR
Involuntary AttritionTeam members being separated from the organization (ie Termination)HR
Voluntary AttritionTeam members resigning from the organizationHR
Gender pay gapThe gender pay gap or gender wage gap is the average difference between the remuneration for men and women who are working. HR
Health Care Costs per EmployeeThis metric helps usunderstand how much of our budget is being spent on employee health insurance costs (VS total cost)
Health care costs per employee = Total health care costs ÷ Number of employees signed up for health care
AttendanceTotal worked / Total Available for Work
Target Attendance % = Total Available for Work ((365-52-52-15)/12) - (15 leaves /12 months) = 20.5-1.25 = 19.25 = 94%
*note: Not all accounts would follow the 15 leave credits, some have 20, 25, 28 leave credits (ie everyCity, AQR, etc)

Unplanned = Leave that does not meeting our policy of advance notice
Target Unplanned Attendance % = 4 sick leaves / 15 total leaves per year = 27%
Falls in this category: Emergency leave, Sick leaves without notice, vacation leaves without enough notice, Isolation Leave (COVID), Bereavement leave, AWOL
Employee TurnoverTurnover indicates the reduction of workforce that the company seeks to replace (ie vacant position being filled)HR
Leave Cost Benefit AnalysisUnderstand the cost of a leave per vertical, per job grade, cash conversion, etcHR
DLDiscussion LogHR
NDNotice of DecisionHR
Leaders CircleA gathering of all leaders where the management gives updates about what's happening in the organization and what can they expect in the coming months, Learning and Development
Leaders ConferenceAn event for the leaders where different speakers are being invited on a specifc topic.Learning and Development
Above Average Performance Management Ratio (WIP)Above Average Performance Management RatioLearning and Development
Training CompliancePercentage of employees trained in company policies/Mandatory CoursesLearning and Development
the 9-box gridThe 9-box grid appears when measuring and mapping both an individual’s performance and potential in three level. No action here for you until we get to capture dataLearning and Development
Training EffectivenessTraining Return on Investment, composed of:
Training Satisfaction Score (Reaction)
(Results) - Productivity or efficiency or revenue
Manager ROE (Behavior)
Training hours per employee (Learning)
No of employees who received training (learning)
Learning and Development
Training Spend per EmployeeTraining Spend per Employee
This metric determines how much money you spend on employee training. You calculate it by determining the cost of employee training, and some businesses include the labor cost of employee hours spent in training classes as well. Also include the travel costs, course fees, the cost of your learning management system, and the time spent administering employee training, such as setting up courses and printing certificates.

Training spend per employee = Total training costs divided by ÷ Number of employees
Learning and Development
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