New Team Member Orientation

New Team Member Orientation

Ref. No.: CPP-HR_0105_V2_New Team Member Orientationtation 
P. Gregorio

1.0 Objective 
To ensure that all newly hired team members are properly integrated into the mainstream of Company operations and that they clearly understand what the Company expects from them and what they can expect from the Company. 

2.0 Scope 
This policy shall apply to all newly hired team members. 

3.0 Provisions 
3.1 All newly hired team members shall be given a proper welcome and an Orientation Program. 
3.2 The Orientation Program to be conducted by Human Resources (HR) Employee Relations (ER) shall include the following: 
a) Company Vision, Mission, and Core Values 
c) Organization Structure 
d) Company Policies and Procedures 
e) Performance Management Scheme 
f) Employee Benefits and Services 
h) 5S 
i) QISMMS Awareness 
j) Payroll System
3.3 It shall be the basic policy of the Company to introduce a new team member to all employees, including heads and ExeCom. 
3.4 The newly hired team member is endorsed to one’s immediate supervisor. Please refer to Section 7.3 for detailed procedure.
4.0 Responsibility
4.1 HR-ER is responsible for welcoming the new team member to the organization by conducting an orientation program, which includes the company policies and procedures. 
4.2 Team Leader/Manager/Client Solutions Head is responsible for the orientation on job details, specific tasks and Performance Management System. 
4.3 Internal Audit department will conduct the QISMMS Orientation to Team Leader levels and above.
5.0 Frequency
5.1 HR Orientation is conducted upon the signing of Employment Contract or on the first day of work. 
6.0 Distribution
HR New Hires

7.0 Usage
7.1 New Hire Checklist 
7.1.1 HR prepares the checklist for the new team member. 
7.1.2 HR releases to immediate superior, Client Solutions Group Director, IT, SSP and F&A. 
7.1.3 All Support Teams implement the requirements indicated on the accomplished New Hire Checklist Form.
7.2 HR Orientation 
7.2.1 HR-ER gives the Welcome Kit to the new hire. 
7.2.2 HR-ER provides Intranet access to read and understand the Company Handbook, Company Policies and Procedures. 
7.2.3 HR-ER conducts the orientation program covering all items mentioned under Section 3.2. 
7.2.4 HR-ER shares all pre-set company activities and important company information. 
7.2.5 The new hire shall sign a document confirming one’s understanding and acceptance of the HR Orientation program. 
7.2.6 The new team member submits all employment requirements anytime between one’s Start Date until a week after employment. 
7.2.7 HR-ER gives an office tour and introduces the new hire to the other team members. 
7.2.8 New Hire is formally introduced during the Monthly Team Meeting.
7.3 Team Orientation 
7.3.1 Immediate superior welcomes the new hire to the team. 
7.3.2 Immediate superior assigns his workstation, office machine/equipment. 
7.3.3 Immediate superior gives a brief overview of the project/account. 
7.3.4 Immediate superior explains the job description, work schedule, and team rules and regulations. 
7.3.5 Immediate superior discusses specific tasks, the Performance Management Scheme and KPIs to the new team member. 
7.3.6 Immediate superior accompanies the new hire to lunch.
8.0 References
CPP-HR-0101_V1 Recruitment & Selection 
Company Policies and Procedures 
Table of Offenses 

9.0 Records
Email Request 
201 File 
Performance Management Scheme 
Job Description 
HR Checklist for New Team Member 
HR Orientation Checklist 
Welcome Kit 
Intranet Access
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