IT Preventive Maintenance

IT Preventive Maintenance

Ref. No.: CPP-IT-306_V3_Preventive Maintenance.doc 
W. Cundangan

1.0 Objective  
To establish the procedures in systems preventive maintenance. 

2.0 Scope
This procedure covers the preventive maintenance of company owned IT computers and systems. 

3.0 Provisions
3.1 Computer systems shall undergo preventive maintenance minimum of once a year despite age (Systems ageing 5 years and above will be reviewed for refresh/disposal) 
3.2 Any computer system that requires preventive maintenance more than 4 per year shall be reviewed and recommended for disposal. 
3.3 Laptop users are to surrender their laptops to IT at least once per year for preventive maintenance. 
3.4 Other IT systems like routers, switches, firewalls and printers are to follow the preventive maintenance instructions as per their manuals.

4.0 Responsibility
4.1 The IT Team Leader is responsible for the preparation and evaluation of a preventive maintenance plan. 
4.2 The IT Team is responsible in executing the preventive maintenance plan and coordination with 3rd party as necessary. 
4.3 The IT Head/ Company Chairman is responsible for the evaluation and approval of the preventive maintenance plan that requires 3rd party providers. 
4.4 Suppliers are responsible for the preventive maintenance of rented systems.

5.0 Frequency
5.1 This process is done on a per need basis. 

6.0 Distribution
6.1 IT Department 
6.2 Team members 
6.3 Support and Services Department 

7.0 Usage
7.1 Preventive Maintenance Plan/Schedule 
7.1.1 IT team leader/assigned IT shall create a preventive maintenance schedule/plan based on the requirements on a yearly basis. 
7.1.2 Plan shall be reviewed by the IT team leader and IT head for approval. 
7.1.3 Plans requiring 3rd party specialization will be subject for approval by the IT Director and CFO.
7.2 Computer Preventive maintenance
7.2.1 Physical Level Clean the computer’s internal (removing dust buildup and other unnecessary items) Check Asset tag if present and advise the necessary personnel if deemed missing Re-organize the cabling of the computer to an acceptable level (cables will not be easily inadvertently disconnected, tighten the necessary screws if present) Validate that the UPS will last a minimum of 15 minutes 
7.2.2 Software Level Validate that POST/Boot up test will pass Check for hard drive usage, ensure 25% minimum free storage Delete Temporary Files/Recycle bin Delete Cached internet files Scan hard drive for errors using native windows scanners Check and update antivirus definition Run antivirus scan
7.2.3 Audit for compliance Check for installed software and remove/report any software installations that is not on company approved list. Report and Delete any none work related files Validate USB data blocking. Clean any non-system and email files. 
7.2.4 Stability test Perform a Burn in Test. 

8.0 Records
8.1 Preventive Maintenance Report \\GoogleDrive\IT\ISO\Preventive Maintenance 
8.2 Preventive Maintenance Schedule \\GoogleDrive\IT\ISO\Preventive Maintenance

9.0 References

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