


Approval Date



Approved by  


May 22, 2017

P. Gregorio

C. Baclayo



  • 3.2.4,,

  • 4.1.7, 4.2.2, 4.2.5

  • 7.1, 7.2, 7.3,

  • 9.0


  1. Objective 

Infinit-O Philippines Inc. promotes and ensures a healthy environment through its various health programs to safeguard its team members. As part of the company’s compliance with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Department Advisory No. 05, Series of 2010 (Guidelines for the Implementation of a Workplace Policy and Program on Hepatitis B), this program has been developed. This program is aimed at addressing the stigma attached to hepatitis B and ensuring that team members’ rights against discrimination and confidentiality are maintained.

This guideline is formulated for everybody’s information and reference for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Hepatitis B. This will inform the team members of their role as well as the company in dealing with Hepatitis B. A healthy environment encompasses a good working relationship and output for continuous business growth. 

  1. Scope 

This policy shall apply to all team members regardless of their employment status. 

  1. Provisions  

  1. Education

  1. Coverage: All team members, regardless of their employment status, may avail of Hepatitis B education services for free.

  2. Hepatitis B shall be conducted through the distribution and posting of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials, counseling, and/or lectures; and

  3. Hepatitis B education will be conducted by the company’s HMO provider in collaboration with the health and safety committee.

  1. Preventive Strategies 

  1. All team members are encouraged to be immunized against Hepatitis B after securing clearance from their physician.  

  2. Workplace sanitation and proper waste management and disposal shall be monitored by the health and safety committee on a regular basis.   

  3. Personal protective equipment should always be made available for the team members such as face masks and alcohol; and

  4. Team members will be given twice-a-year training and/or information on adherence to standards or universal precautions in the workplace. 

  1. Social Policy 

  1. Non-discriminatory Policy and Practices 

    1. There shall be no discrimination of any form against team members based on their Hepatitis B status, consistent with the international agreements on non-discrimination ratified by the Philippines (ILO C111). Team members shall not be discriminated against from pre-to post-employment, including hiring, promotion, or assignment, because of their hepatitis B status.  

    2. Workplace management of sick team members shall not differ from that of any other illness. Persons with hepatitis B-related illnesses may work for as long as they are medically fit to do so.

  1. Confidentiality

    1. For health and sanitary purposes and the security of team members onsite, job applicants and team members should disclose their hepatitis B status and other related medical information to their immediate supervisor and HR ER only.  

    2. Team members should not reveal any personal information about their fellow team members or their health status. Access to personal data relating to a team member's Hepatitis B status shall be bound by the rules on confidentiality and shall be strictly limited to medical personnel or if legally required. 

  1. Work Arrangement 

    1. The company shall take measures to reasonably accommodate team members who are Hepatitis B positive or have Hepatitis B-related illnesses. 

    2. Through agreements made between management and team members’ representative measures to support team members with Hepatitis B, they are encouraged to work through flexible leave arrangements, rescheduling of working time, and arrangements for return to work. Immediate supervisors may follow the hybrid policy.

    3. Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Referral to Health Care Services. 

    4. The company shall establish a referral system and provide access to diagnostic and treatment services for its team members for appropriate medical evaluation, monitoring, and management. 

    5. Adherence to the guidelines for healthcare providers on the evaluation of Hepatitis B-positive team members is highly encouraged. 

    6. Screening for Hepatitis B as a prerequisite to employment shall not be mandatory. 

  1. Compensation 

    1. The company shall provide access to the Social Security System and team member compensation benefits under PD 626 to a team member contracted with hepatitis B infection in the performance of his duty.

  1. Responsibility  

  1. Company 

  1. Management, together with team members’ organizations, and company focal personnel for HR ER, SSP, and Health and safety committee, shall develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate the workplace policy and program on hepatitis B. 

  2. The Health and Safety Committee shall ensure that their company policy and programs are adequately funded and made known to all team members. 

    1. The Health and Safety Committee will include members from HR, SSP, HR Manager, SSP Manager, VP-Finance and Operations Team Leader.

  3. The company shall provide information, education, and training on            Hepatitis B for its workforce is consistent with the standardized basic information package developed by the Hepatitis B TWG; if not available within the establishment, then provide access to information. 

  4. The Health and Safety Committee, together with the team members’ organizations, shall jointly review the policy and program for effectiveness and continue to improve them by networking with the government and organizations promoting hepatitis B prevention semi-annually. 

  5. The company shall ensure the confidentiality of the health status of its team members, including those with hepatitis B.  

  1. Human Resources Employee Relations 

  1. HR ER shall ensure that its policy and program adhere to existing legislation and guidelines, including provisions on leaves, benefits, and insurance. 

  2. The company shall ensure non-discriminatory practices in the workplace.

  3. HR ER shall ensure that access to medical records is limited to authorized personnel.  

  1. Support, Services and Procurement (SSP

  1. The SSP team shall provide appropriate personal protective equipment to prevent Hepatitis B exposure, especially for team members exposed to potentially contaminated blood or body fluid.  

  2. The SSP team will ensure that all office areas are cleaned and sanitized daily to prevent the spread of Hepatitis B. 

  1. Team Members

  1. All team members are required to attend the annual Hepatitis B education sessions conducted by the company’s HMO provider in close coordination with the health and safety committee.

  2. Team members shall practice non-discriminatory acts against co-team members on the grounds of Hepatitis B status. 

  3. Team members shall comply with universal precautions and preventive measures. 

  4. Team members with Hepatitis B may inform the health care provider or the company physician, immediate supervisor, and HR-ER of their Hepatitis B status, that is, if their work activities may increase the risk of Hepatitis B infection and transmission or put the Hepatitis B positive at risk for aggravation. 

  1. Frequency  

Annual monitoring should be done with regard to the implementation of this policy  

  1. Distribution  

  1. Organization of Safety and Health Committee  

  2. Management  

  3. Team Members  

  1. Usage  

  1. Team members must adhere to the preventive measures outlined in the Hepatitis B policy guidelines, including vaccination protocols and hygiene practices.

  2. Any concerns or questions regarding Hepatitis B should be promptly directed to the designated health and safety committee, HR-ER, or the company’s HMO provider for clarification and assistance.

  3. Managers and supervisors are responsible for ensuring that their team members are aware of and compliant with the Hepatitis B policy guidelines.

  4. In the event of a Hepatitis B-related incident or exposure, team members must immediately report it to their supervisor and seek medical attention as per the established protocol outlined in the policy guidelines.

  1. References  

DOLE policy guidelines 

DOLE Department Advisory No. 05, Series of 2010 (Guidelines for the Implementation of a Workplace Policy and Program on Hepatitis B)

  1. Records  

Hepatitis B Master list

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