Employee Referral Policy

Employee Referral Policy

CPP-HR_0104_Employee Referral Policy

  1. ERP promo should be approved by ExeCom not COO. (item 3.12)
  2. Set validity of referred candidates to 6month. (item 3.13)

  1. 3.2.1 - 3.2.3
  2. 3.11.1
  3. 7.0

  1. Objectives. Changed the entire objective of the Policy
  2. 3.2 up to 3.4: Additional provisions
  3. 4.0 added the validation process
  4. 5.2 added a provision to maximize ERP candidates
  5. 6.1 timeline in processing candidates

1.0      Objective

      1.1 To ensure that Infinit-O attracts the right talents by maximizing the biggest competitive advantage of the Company, which is its employees through rewards. 

      1.2 To set the parameters of submitting a referral including the incentive scheme, schedule of payment, and candidate quality. 

      1.3 To map out the process of the employee referral program.

2.0      Scope

      This policy covers all team members, except Recruitment Team members.


3.0        Provisions

      3.1 All Infinit-O team members are eligible to receive referral rewards.

      3.2 All referrals are subject to a validation process to check eligibility, ownership, and quality.

      3.3 An excessive number of referrals with a low success rate shall be subject to efficiency review by the Recruitment Team.

      3.4 Recruitment Team has the authority to remove an Infinit-o employee from the program for the ff reasons:
            3.4.1 Candidate success rate in paper screening. It should be at least 10% of the total referred candidates;
            3.4.2 Three (3) consecutive instances of not following the ERP submission process; and/or
            3.4.3 Employee sourcing activities are affecting their work performance.

      3.5 Team Leaders & Managers may receive a referral fee when they refer candidates to open positions.
            3.5.1 If under jurisdiction, requires approval from VP of People Operations
            3.5.2 If Hiring Manager referred, an identified certified Operations Interviewer from the same program should interview candidate
            3.5.3 Hiring Manager should not have a direct influence on candidate’s KPI  unless documented approval from VP CSG

      3.6 Execom may refer candidates and receive referral fees which they can give to their sources and/or contacts.
      3.7 Previous job applicants, former team members, and open positions for project-based and trainees are not considered referred candidates.
      3.8 Referred candidates must come from external sources.
      3.9 The new hire must meet our standard conditions of the hiring process.
      3.10 Any verbal promise of employment or agreement that may be made by the Infinit-O team   member to the referred candidate shall not be honored by Infinit-O management.
      3.11 The team member-referrer and the referral must both be active team members of InfinitO when the referral fee is released.
            3.11.1 Team member-referrer and/or referral under rendering period shall void the amount due for the pay-out.
  3.12 The open positions are categorized as:

      3.13 Payment Release Scheme
  1. Release of Php 3,000 fee is after the 1st month of employment date of the referral.
  2. Release of 50% remaining balance is on the 3rd month and a day of the referral.
  3. Release of 50% remaining balance is on the 6th month and a day of the referral.

            3.13.1 Referral fee is deposited to the referrer’s payroll account.
            3.13.2 Crediting and releasing to be set every 5th or 20th of the month after referral completed the required number of months for the scheme, plus 1 day.
            3.13.3 Incentive will be included in Payroll computation and will be reflected on the Employee’s pay slip, subject to applicable tax.


      3.14 Referral Fee for difficult-to-find candidates for certain positions or urgent requirements may be increased or be subjected to a specific ERP Promo as approved by any member of the Executive Committee.
            3.14.1  If ERP is billable to Client, should be approved by the VP of Operations.


      3.15 Validity of referred candidate is 6 months. Any referral hired after 6 months from the date the candidate was referred, without any follow-through from the referrer, will be considered as a part Infinit-O’s Talent Bank.


4.0        Validation Process

      4.1      Recruitment Team checks if the candidate is already in IO’s Talent Bank.

            4.1.1   Candidate should be 6 months or older in the talent bank to be reprocessed.
            4.1.2   Candidate referral should be on a first come first serve basis.

      4.2   Employees shall screen the candidates before referring them. Recruitment Team will confirm during the interview with the candidate if they know the employee who referred them.
            4.2.1     If the candidate does not recognize the employee, the candidate should not be counted as a referral.

5.0        Responsibility

      5.1      Recruitment Team is responsible for validating and processing referred candidates.

      5.2      Recruitment Team is responsible to look for other positions before tagging candidates as failed.
      5.3      Recruitment Team is responsible for the release of email acknowledgment to the referrer and encoding the referral to the Employee Referral Program (ERP) Tracker.
      5.4      Recruitment Team is responsible for maintaining the ERP Tracker and/or System.
      5.5      Recruitment Team requesting Finance/FA Team for CA (Cash Advance) for the Employee Referral incentive.

6.0        Frequency

      6.1      Upon receipt of referrals from team members, Recruitment Team shall process the candidate within 48 working  hours.
      6.2      Automated feedback will be provided to the candidates and employees.

7.0        Distribution

      7.1           Recruitment Team
      7.2          Team Member-Referrer
      7.3           F&A Team

8.0        Usage

      8.1      The team member-referrer submits the referral details and electronic copy of the resume using the ERP link to the Recruitment Team via ERP Site. In some cases where the ERP Site link is not working/under maintenance, the team memberreferrer should send the details to hr.rec@infinit-o.com for documentation purposes.
      8.2      Recruitment Team will prioritize referrals that will be submitted to the ERP System.
      8.3      Recruitment Team validates the resume and screens for the open position.
      8.4      Recruitment Team monitors the release date of the referral fee and submits a Requisition Form to F&A Team for processing.
      8.5      F & A Team releases the referral fee through the referrer/team member’s payroll account
      8.6      The referral award recognition is announced on the TV screen and myHR postings.
      8.7      Listings of the referrals are being tracked via ERP Site for all team members.

 9.0        References

      CPP-HR-0101 Recruitment & Selection
      ERP Incentive Monitoring Tracker
      ERP Hubspot 


10.0      Records

      Resume of the job applicant
      Interview FormEmails
      ERP Site
      ERP Incentive Tracker 

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