CPP-SSP-0302_Mail Handling Procedure

CPP-SSP-0302_Mail Handling Procedure

1.0 Objective
1.1. To establish process for handling incoming and outgoing mail delivery.
1.2. Ensure the security of the mails delivered and received within IO facility.

2.0 Scope
This process applies to all incoming and outgoing official and non-official office mails and parcels.

3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Only members of Shared Services and Procurement team shall be allowed to inspect, receive and record mails delivered by carries.
3.2 SSP team members shall abide by the procedures set forth by this policy. Failure to comply shall be dealt with as indicated in the table of offenses.

4.0 Provision and General Procedure
4.1 Incoming Parcels and Packages
4.1.1 Only the Front Desk Officer on duty and/or members of Admin-SSP Team is allowed to receive all incoming office mails.
4.1.2 All mails received must be properly inspected and be recorded at the daily mail log.
4.1.3 All undelivered mails must be stored in a secured location. Mail must be distributed within the day unless received end is not available.
4.1.4 To protect team members data confidentiality and in compliance with DPA 2012, personal identifiable information of team members shall not be shared to unauthorized personnel or courier unless proper authorization was secured by the recipient of the collector. Company Policy & Procedure Manual Office Mail Handling Policy Ref. No.: CPP-SSP_0302 Version 1.0 Page 1 Of 2 Prepared MG Cepe May 10, 2023 Approved D Ong May 12, 2023 Filename CPP-SSP_0302_Office Mail Handling Policy.docx
4.1.5 Employees are prohibited from using the company’s facilities and address for the mailing and receipt of personal mail.
4.1.6 Official Documents and parcels, these are the ones that came from clients, vendors, and other company affiliations.

4.2 Outgoing Mail Services
4.2.1 All outgoing mail services must be properly recorded and logged.
4.2.2 Check vendor accreditation for accredited courier. Transact only with accredited mail courier services (LBC, FEDEX, etc.)
4.2.3 In-house messenger must keep a receiving document and or log of all delivered mails, may it be an office-inter-department mail or document transfer.
4.2.4 Transmission of private and confidential documents/parcel must follow the provision stated in the Control Records Policy

5.0 Frequency
5.1 As needed.

6.1 CPP-SSP-0301_Workplace Visitor Policy_V3
6.2 CPP-SSP-0104_Supplier Accreditation_V3
6.3 INFINIT-O Privacy Manual
6.4 CPP-Infinit-O_0002_V2 COR
6.5 Table of Offenses