Client Services - Definitions

Client Services - Definitions

Client Services

Secondary researchA methodology in research that makes use of existing data. A common example is web-research.Client Services
Lead Qualificationa process of assessing identified leads based on qualifying criteria such as
readiness to buy, involvement on decision making and has a purchasing power
Client Services
Data Enrichmenta process of enhancing existing information by supplementing missing or
incomplete data through various sources.
Client Services
Lead Generationa process of identifying potential leads to move through the sales funnel.
These leads may or may not become a customer.
Client Services
Sales Navigatora social selling platform by LinkedIn that provides an array of features which
focus on helping to find the right prospects to build trusted relationships through the use of more
advanced searching, filters and criteria.
Client Services
Campaigna term in marketing used to describe various approaches to promote a product or
service with the goal of reaching a wider audience.
Client Services
Bouncebacksa type of auto-reply email informing the sender that the message cannot be
successfully delivered to the intended recipient due to the following reasons: inbox is already
full, servers aren’t responding, email address no longer exists and incorrect email address.
Client Services
Data Cleansingalso known as data scrubbing which involves the process of fixing or removing
incorrect, corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data within a database or
Client Services
Appointment SettingAn outbound call made to introduce a product or service to a prospect
with the goal of getting these prospects interested in meeting a salesperson
Client Services
Primary researchGathering/obtaining data first-hand. An example is conducting surveys.Client Services
SharePointis a highly customizable Cloud-based content management platform that allows
businesses to manage all of their corporate contents, create processes to automate workflows,
and build customized apps that can help the teams become more collaboratively productive.
Client Services
NetSuiteis an online software service that enables companies to manage all key business
processes in a single system which involves no large and upfront license fees, no maintenance
fees associated with hardware or software, and no complex setups.
Client Services
Event TaggingLabelling of marketing events attended / accepted by contacts including legal
Client Services
Qualitative researchProcess of collecting, and analyzing non-numerical data. This can be in text, audio, video forms, and the likes.Client Services
Quantitative researchProcess of collecting, calibrating, and analyzing numerical data. Client Services
Lead(Sales) A lead is an individual who's at the top of the funnel and hasn't yet been qualified.Client Services
Opportunity(Sales) A prospect is a contact who has been qualified as an ideal customer who would consider buying.Client Services
Prospect(Sales) A sales opportunity is a qualified prospect who has a high probability of becoming a customer.Client Services
Call Calibrationa meeting between call center agents, supervisors and the quality monitoring vendor to rate and discuss customer service callsClient Services
First Call Resolutionis a customer service metric that measures the number of customer contacts that are resolved on the first interaction with the customerClient Services
Call Dispositionis a label that describes the outcome of a callClient Services
Quality Auditis a standard monitoring process that ensures proper assessment of a system, adequate implementation of processes, elimination of problem areas, and boosting the efficiency of the methods.Client Services
Occupancyis the percentage of time that agents spend handling customer inquiries vs. waiting for calls (idle time)Client Services
Utilizationmeasure of the time a person is allocated to working on somethingClient Services
Abandonment Ratemeasures how many callers disconnect or hang up from a call center before they can speak to an agent or representativeClient Services
TimelinessResponding to customer requests on time, Processing through the queues within the turnaround timeClient Services
Productivitythe amount of completed work that gets done within that allocated time.Client Services
Average Speed of Answerthe average amount of time it takes for a call center to answer a phone call from a customer. Included in this metric is the time a caller waits in a queue. The time it takes to navigate through an IVR system is not factored in to ASA.Client Services
After Call Work or Wrap Up Time (ACW)is an automatic time set by Operations every after call to finalize documentation and prepare for the next callClient Services
HOLD Timeis the allowable time manually initiated by the agent when he or she wants to put the call on HOLDClient Services
AdherenceIs the team's actual compliance to splotted schedule. Usually being presented in percentageClient Services
KPIKey Performance Indicator or metricsClient Services
SLAService Level Agreement, agreed main metrics as per contractClient Services
Talk TimeThe actual duration that the agent is speaking to the customer. This is the time remainder once you have remove the HOLD and ACWClient Services
Cases Per Hour or CPHThe duration of time spent by back office agents in handling a ticket, case or work. Usually a product of Time and Motion and Production TrackersClient Services
Net Promoter Score (NPS)a measure of client satisfaction using the question 'How likely is it that you would recommend Infinit-O to a friend or colleague?' on a scale of 1 to 10. Answers of 10-9 are Promoters, 8-7 Neutral, 6-0 Detractors.Client Services
CRM(Customer relationship management) Technology used for managing the company's relationships and interactions with customers and potential customersClient Services
InstanceA term used by the software industry. An instance is a single copy of the software running on a single physical or virtual server. You can think of an 'instance' as a single customer's software environment. Client Services
KCSKCS stands for Knowledge-Centered Service, and is the name of the methodology that was originally created by the Consortium for Service Innovation. KCS is a methodology leveraged by support organizations, through which a Knowledge Base is established, curated, and reused over time. KCS is a methodology enables an organization to reduce tribal knowledge, and instead invest in the collective Knowledge Base.Client Services
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