

Ref. No.: CPP-HR-0301_V5_Attendance
M. Martinez
F. Lenoir

1. The purpose of this policy is to establish Infinit-O’s policy and procedures for handling employee absences and tardiness within an office or remote work set up.  It is intended to enable the efficient operation of the business and meet our obligations to our clients.

2. Punctual and regular attendance is an essential responsibility of each employee at Infinit-O.  They are vital attributes for all of us; a sign of professionalism that helps team members demonstrate they are reliable and trustworthy. Failure to meet standards for acceptable attendance detrimentally affects employee morale, productivity, efficiency and service to our clients. Employees are expected to maintain sufficiently good health to meet attendance expectations. Meeting attendance expectations is a condition of employment.

1.0     Objective  
To provide team members with proper attendance and punctuality guidelines to ensure that operational needs are met and proper resources are in place to meet the SLA in case of days off, absences and tardiness. 

To ensure that proper recognition is given to employees who uphold the values of Malasakit and P.R.I.D.E. as it relates to attendance and punctuality 
2.0 Scope 
This policy shall apply to all team members regardless of job level. 
3.0 Provisions 
3.1     Attendance 
3.1.1     A team member has assigned work shift according to work description and/or client requirements. 
3.1.2     A team member must use the biometric device to log their time in and out by scanning their finger print or through the virtual log in system, where employees may log their time in and out without scanning their finger prints on a device. In the event of failure to do so, the team member will be required to file a corresponding appropriate electronic leave form. Non-Biometrics filing or failure to file required electronic forms of more than once in a month, outside of causes related to system failure of the biometrics device or payroll system, will result in disciplinary action.
3.1.3     Proximity cards are used for entry in authorized areas. Records of proximity logs and MyHR log ins will be used as reference for attendance filing in case there are no available biometric records due to system error or team member’s failure to time in and/or out properly. 
3.1.4     The team member’s attendance is monitored by their immediate supervisor and is part of the basis for performance evaluation, however, performance against objectives are tracked separately.  Meeting attendance standards is a condition of employment separate from other performance metrics.

3.1.5     The team member must give proper notice at least two (2) hours before shift when one is unable to come in on time and/or when one cannot come to work and/or unable to complete the shift. Said notice must be acknowledged by the immediate supervisor. 
3.1.6    The team member must not leave their post for longer than the allowable break times without prior approval from the immediate supervisor.

        a. Two (2) 15 minutes scheduled breaks
        b. One (1) hour lunch break

    These may be taken anytime within the day or depending on internal discussion of the team with their immediate supervisor.
3.1.7     The team member is not allowed to go on under-time without prior approval of their supervisor.  
3.1.8 Routine sickness is not a reason for an excused absence.

Routine sickness defined as an absence with short notice due to medical reason without submission of proper medical documentation (Medical clearance/Fit to work clearance) before or after the occurrence of sickness will not be considered as reason for an excused absence. For emergency or sick leave advisory, refer to Paid Days Off Policy for the detailed regulations.
3.1.9     It is expected that all employees maintain satisfactory attendance, or better. The following table provides our standard for unexcused absences 

Unexcused absences are absences that are not approved by management.  

For example, these could include no-show-no-call, sick leave, personal matters, or any other situation where the services of the employee were expected and required.

Standard for Unexcused Absences: (during a rolling 12-month period)

3.1.10 There may be cases where an employee may incur an unapproved/unexcused absence but still be paid under the paid days off policy.    

Once an employees’ attendance performance falls below satisfactory levels, progressive steps of coaching and discipline will result until such time performance is restored to satisfactory levels or better. These steps will include Written Warning, Final Written Warning and Discharge depending on the employees’ performance.

3.1.11 Recurrence of violation shall follow the following escalation of disciplinary action following the Table of Offense: 
3.1.12 Rolling periods: attendance is administered on a rolling one-year period.                 Employees are expected to meet standards as stated in 3.1.9 during any 12-month period.

3.1.13 In case that an employee commits AWOL, the process for Return to Work order should be followed. (refer to Paid Days Off Policy for the detailed regulations)
4.0     Punctuality 
4.1 A team member is expected to be at their workstation 5 mins before the start of their shift to allow time to sign in and open relevant applications needed for the work.
4.2 There will be approved exceptions depending on the nature of the account and the scope of responsibilities. These exceptions shall be approved by the immediate supervisor and communicated to HR before any exception is implemented. 
4.3 It is expected that all employees maintain satisfactory attendance. The following provides our standard for punctuality.

A tardy is defined as not being in your desk 5 mins before scheduled times.

Meeting Standard: Team member incurring not more than one (1) day tardiness in a month or 12 per year (on a rolling basis) (Team member incurring tardiness with a minimum of 10 minutes per instance (on a quarterly rolling basis.
4.4 Recurrence of violation shall follow the following escalation of disciplinary action following the Table of Offenses Schedule: (in a rolling 12-month period)
  1. 1st instance DNM expectations – Verbal Warning
  2. 2nd instance DNM expectations – Written Warning
  3. 3rd instance DNM expectations – Final Written Warning
  4. 4th instance DMN expectations – Discharge
Rolling periods: attendance is administered on a rolling period:
  1. Verbal and Written warning – 6 months rolling period
  2. Final Written Warning – 12 months rolling period

Employees are expected to meet standards as stated in 3.1.9 during any 12-month period.

Every minute of tardy incurred will be subject to salary deduction
5.0    Employees are expected to be at work as scheduled. Absences may be approved in some cases depending on individual circumstances. During the following: 
1. Calamity/ Extreme conditions caused by Acts of God (excluding typhoon and floods)
2. Personal emergencies such as: 
  1. Hospitalization of team member for four or more consecutive days
  2. Death of immediate family member
*    (see bereavement leave policy for immediate family member)
3. Approved leaves shall also include Statutory leaves such as: 
  1. Maternity
  2. Paternity 
  3. Special Leave for Women 
  4. Solo Parent Leave (must be child centric, pre-approved and scheduled) 
Documentations must be submitted to the direct Supervisor or Manager for such cases to validate approval of the absence (barangay clearance and medical documents, valid solo parent ID, etc.). 
There will also be instances when HR will announce when there will be considerations given to all team members in general. Announcement shall be made thru email, Facebook Account posts, MyHR, Zoom Announcement and SMA blast.   Such instances will be approved by the VP-CSG.

6.0     Responsibility
6.1     Team members and supervisors are responsible for reviewing payroll exceptions and for monitoring accuracy on their attendance in the Payroll System. Reasons in the filing should contain the following headers during filing plus an explanation of the reason for the leave. 
PDO – Planned Leave
SL – Sick Leave (Unexcused)
EL – Emergency Leave (Unexcused) 
LWOP – Leaves in excess of allocated PDO (Unexcused)
LOA – Authorized unpaid leaves (Excused if planned ahead) requires VP-CSG approval. Once approved, Supervisor must send a LOA Notification to HR ER.
 6.2    All excused absences, not previously planned and approved, will be approved by the OM/Director.  Reports will be submitted monthly to the VP-CSG for review reasons for these cases and the reason they were approved. 

6.3     Immediate supervisors are responsible for monitoring daily attendance of their subordinates and must report any attendance irregularities to HR-ER for assistance on proper disciplinary handling. Routinary/habitual neglect or failure to monitor attendance filings of the immediate supervisors that leads to salary disputes shall merit a disciplinary action.
6.4    HR ER Team is responsible for issuing the Payroll Reminder every pay cut-off. Reminder to be sent within 5 days prior last approval date via companywide email blast, official Facebook pages and Zoom announcement.
6.5     Immediate Supervisor is responsible for the issuance of any disciplinary sanctions arising from attendance offenses. Non-compliance of Supervisor to issue Discussion Log to team member will merit Disciplinary Action following Offense category and penalty schedule.

7.0     Frequency  
7.1     Payroll cut off – 1 to 15th payroll period of the month, payout is on the 20th and 16 to 30 or 31, payout period is on the 5th of each month 
8.0     Distribution  
Team Members 
Immediate Supervisors 
HR-ER Team 
F&A Team 
9.0 References 
  1. Table of Offenses
  2. Paid Days Off Policy
  3. Bereavement Leave Policy
  4. Return to Work Order Policy
  5. Employee Handbook
10.0 Records
  1. 201 File
  2. Sprout Attendance Records

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