L&D - Definitions

L&D - Definitions

KnowledgeInstitutionalized information acquired individually or collectively either through practical experience or education.L&D
SkillAbility to do something well and apply a specific knowledge in different situations.L&D
AttitudeA predisposition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable way to something happening in someone's environment, like the desire or lack of desire to acquire knowledge or use a skill.L&D
Applied Skills in a Specific role - ie the skills you get to apply in your role from Day 1: Behavioral Competencies, Technical Competencies and more. Something that you have and that you apply to your job.
CapabilityThe natural potential of a person - Something that someone can develop and use in the future.L&D
TalentAn IO Team Member with unique, relevant skills, competencies and/or capabilities .L&D
AptitudeNatural level of mastery for a particular task or skill - already developed.L&D
AbilityGenuine capacity to be good at something or do something well.L&D
StrengthA TM's general characteristics and skills that allow them to perform their duties efficiently - May be purely related to physical ability.L&D
PersonalityPersonality refers to the enduring characteristics and behavior that comprise a person's unique adjustment to life, including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concept, abilities, and emotional patterns. Lasting summary of everything, but can evolve over time.L&D
CharacterThe way someone thinks, feels, and behaves.L&D
ValuesOne's judgement of what is important in life, moral compass. IO Values: principles or standards of behavior.L&D
NormsThe tangible commonly accepted and understood expression of the values we carry - shared standards, expectations and rules that are socially enforced.L&D
CultureThe combination of values, norms and behaviors accepted and shared collectively.L&D
BehaviorThe way in which a person acts in response to a particular situation or stimulus. The way someone responds to acts - inside out looking, what we do in the shadow.L&D

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